Thursday 7 October 2010

اسئلة الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية قسم (اشعة)

لتحميل نماذج الأسئله من هنا

Sample test questions from the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, Department of Radiology

1_ A main reason for the routine examination of the abdomen?
1 to clarify the tumors and debris in the abdomen
2 to illustrate the level of fluid in the abdomen
3 clarify the gas accumulated inside or outside the bowel
4 all the answers correct

2_ in the examination of the front rear of the abdomen with the preparation of the patient Kub point X is it?
1 in the easement Ani
2 in the middle at the level of the lower edge Aldilaip
3 in the umbilical
4 higher umbilical

3_ in the situation was back to me?
1 beam is perpendicular to the film in the level of the sixth paragraph vest
2 the distance between the film and the source of radiation 180 cm
3 very short exposure time to avoid image vibration
4 all the answers correct

4_ profile of the work situation of the articulation of the first paragraph cervical Alagafoi Center with the bone scan?
1 slot external ear
2 under the external ear opening
3 the highest peak bone protrusion Alhelmi
Higher than 4 slot external ear

5_ paragraphs to clarify cervical 1_3?
1 mode front rear
2 front back with open mouth
3 Front Rear slash
4 rear slash in front of me

6_ Aeksehu square law?
1 match the intensity of radiation directly proportional to the square of the distance
2 X-ray intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance
3 commensurate force directly proportional to the square of the X-ray distance
4 X-ray power is inversely proportional to the square of the distance

7th to clarify the holes between the cervical spine work?
1 Hydraulic
2 rear in front of me
3 sides of the development
4 Oblique position

8_ in the examination of the neck profile call from the patient to raise the lower jaw
1 to keep the lower angle of the jaw on the paragraphs
2 for a straight neck
3 to clarify the trachea
4 Each tower will error

9_-ray Center in the situation back of the paragraphs of the front chest
1 remote corner
2 Hump remote
3 1 inches below the sternal angle
4 Extrusion Sayfi

10_ in the examination of the lumbar spine Ab ask the patient to commend his thighs and knees and that?
1 to make the backbone of the film parallel
2 to make the spine straight
3 to reduce the distance between the member to be photographed and Alvam
4 Each tower will correctly

11_ properties of X-rays, which led to their use in the medical field?
1 penetrate objects
2 ionization and excitement
3 move in straight lines
4 Each tower will correctly

12_-ray source in the X-ray tube is
1 Target
2 Wick
3 wave of electrons
4 Cover the glass tube

13_ source of electrons in the X-ray tube is
1 elevator
2 Wick
3 rotor
4 high-pressure adapter

14_-ray interaction with the material depends on
1 density of the material
2 The mass of the
3 atomic number rule
The case of article 4

15_ is the interaction of radiation with material in different ways, including
1 the photoelectric absorption
2 families-mail
3 Compton scattering
4 Each tower will correctly

16_ converters used in the X-ray device is
1 Autotransformer adapter with low-pressure high-pressure adapter
2 Autotransformer adapter with low-pressure adapter Wick
3 Self-adapter adapter adapter Wick High Pressure
4 Alajabtan 1_3 incorrect

Makeup 17_-ray machines used in the medical field is
Breast Imaging Device 1
2 mobile X-ray machine
3 the hard X-ray
4 all the answers correct

18_ types of ray tubes
1 X-ray tube with a diagonal elevator
2 X-ray tube of the lift rotor
3 X-ray tube with a wick rotor
4 X-ray tube with a fuse hard

19_-ray machine works Balkahrbip
1 calling
2 direct
3 static
4 Each tower will correctly

20_ of the components of the X-ray
1 device acidification robot
2 ounce lead -
3 standard dose of personal
4 high-voltage cables

21_ in case of breakage in the hand to show displacement in the break we put
1 Ba of the hand
2 sides
3 italic
4 Ab to the hand

22_-ray Center in the situation back to me in detail the wrist is
1 Extrusion prominent ulna at the end of
2 prominent bulge at the end of the radius bone
3 between the mid-Almsaver Alintoiin prominent bone at the end of the radius and ulna
4 1-inch down the ramp leading to the greatness of ulna

23_-ray center of the situation a detailed profile of the wrist is
1 Extrusion prominent ulna bone at the end of
2 prominent bulge at the end of the radius bone
3 the first ****tarsal bone base of the hand
4 head of the first ****tarsal bone of the hand

24_ situation is helped back to me pointless, and that
1 intersection of the radius with ulna
2 does not see the anatomical details due Altqlta
3 not to touch ulna and radius of the surface of the film
4 Alajabtan 1_2 incorrect

25_ Center for X-ray profile of the status of the facility is
1 circular protrusion above the wild
2 circular protrusion on ANSI
3 the head of the radius bone
4 all the answers wrong

26_ the case of a profile of an elbow rest are
1 vertical Afilm
2 in the situation back in front of me
3 Front Rear
Italics in the situation

27_-ray Center in the situation back to the front shoulder joint is
1 mid-scapula
2 head of the humerus bone
3 Extrusion ghurabi
4 articulation between the clavicle, extrusion Alakharmi

28_ for a check-Sadr situation back in front of me asking the patient to press forward the shoulders and bottom
And that?
1 to remove my picture from the shoulder area of the lungs
2 to keep the collarbone in the lungs
3 to keep the backbone of the area of the lungs
4 to keep the diaphragm of the lungs

29_ equity line divides the equitable rights to the body?
1 into two equal left and the right
2 sections are not equal right and left
3 equally divided upper and lower
4 into two equal front and rear

30_ agree film and paintings booster mean?
1 Compatibility with the size of the film paintings booster
2 agree with the light sensitivity of film scholarship of paintings booster
3 full adhesion between the film and paintings booster
4 agree with the film color paintings strong

31_ best position to conduct a detailed examination of the knee Rheumatism for adults is
1 mode the front and rear of the knees and the patient was standing
2 front-back situation, the patient lying
3 the situation back to the front hinged knee and the patient was standing
4 position front to rear hinged knee and the patient lying

32_ best set for the examination of the hip joint in the case of divorce in children is congenital
1 position front to rear hip joints and the patient was standing
2 position front-hinged rear thigh and the patient lying
3 I've got the situation back to the articular thigh and the patient lying
4 I've got the situation back to the articular thigh and the patient was standing

33_ for tests by X-ray contrast medium should
1 to prepare the patient before testing
2 and a device to theorize Altogay
3 radiologist
4 and oily contrast medium

34_ main radiation testing for diagnosis of tuberculosis, TB is
1 spine
2 Lateral position of the issued
3 position back of the front was
4 position back a breast

35_ (#) this tag is used in medical means
1 and a deposition
2 and an injury,
3 and a fracture
4 and a fire

36_ term means the left lateral chest
1 patient standing and the right side adjacent to the no
2 patient standing and the left side of the film adjacent
3 the patient standing back and not adjacent to the
4 the patient standing and the side adjacent to the front of the film

37_ term right posterior oblique of chest means
1 patient was standing back and right diagonal adjacent to the no
2 and the patient was standing in the back left diagonal of the film adjacent to
3 the patient standing and the right front side of the film adjacent diagonal
4 the patient standing and the front left side of the film adjacent diagonal

38_ position of the hands grip the ball means
1 mode Leaning back to the hands
2 position rear windshield of the hands
3 front-rear position of the hands
4 position front slash to the hands

39 the best position to portray the longitudinal fracture of the patella is the kneecap bone
1 mode the back of the front knee
2 position rear front of the knee
3 Status of the sky line sky line of the knee
4 Lateral position of the knee

40 _ can clarify all the sinus through the development and one which is
1 Lateral position of the head
2 the situation back in front of me at an angle of 45 degrees head with a base line to open the patient's mouth
3 position back front 35 degrees toward the foot
4 the situation back in front of me at an angle of 35 degrees toward the head

41_ best position to portray ileus is
1 files, abdomen and the patient lying on his stomach
2 files, the abdomen and the patient and the patient was standing
3 files, the abdomen and the patient lying on his back
4 files, the abdomen and the patient lying on his side

42_ the first stages of acidification is not X -
1 Laundry film
2 Image Stabilization
3 show the image
4 drying photo

43_ of the ways to protect the patient from radiation during examination
1 Use of intensive paintings
2 Application of Asahis imaging technique
3 clarify the nature of the examination of the patient
4 all the answers correct

44_ and guest candidate (brow) is
Protecting the patient from 1 X
2 Protection of Technical Radiology
3 Improving the quality of the image
4 Life Cycle of the increased device

45_ job boards booster is
1 converts the light into X-ray
2 Convert the light rays to patients
3 Protection of the film within Alhafdp
4 increase the amount of radiation

46_ of the methods used to protect the radiographer during examination
1 sealing the walls of the radiology room,
2 Increase the distance between the table control and the source of X-ray
3 Use of lead-apron
4 all the answers correct

47_ uses the filter (usher) in the case of
1 the thickness of the member to be photographed less than 10 cm
2 thickness of the member to be photographed more than 10 cm
3 Use of low exposure factors
4 high sensitivity of the film

48_ best position to portray the thumb when a fraction is
1 Hydraulic
2 rear in front of me
3 sides
4 diagonal

49_ testing is the KUB
1 examination of the anterior abdominal rear with the preparation of the patient
2 to examine the patient to clarify the kidneys and the bladder and ureters
3 movie pre-screening for color Urological
4 all the answers correct

50_ Center for X-ray imaging in the forearm bone is
1 vertical at mid-forearm
2 perpendicular to the wrist joint
3 horizontal to the mid-forearm
4 horizontally to the wrist joint

51_ proper position to clarify the UFO in the hand is
1 Hydraulic
2 rear in front of me
3 sides
4 diagonal

52_ situation to portray the pivotal shoulder joint is
1 Front Rear of the shoulder
2 rear in front of me
3 upper basement of the shoulder
4 sides

53_ abdominal examination in the emergency works
1 without the preparation of the patient
2 examination, the patient is lying down and Vagif
3 Almraiyd lying on the left side
4 all the answers correct

54_ to clarify the situation unsatisfactory situation is the flat-foot
1 Lateral position of the foot and the patient was standing
2 Lateral position of the foot and the patient lying
3 position rear foot in front of me and the patient was standing
4 I've got the situation back foot and the patient lying

55_-ray Center in the situation to become the lateral ankle joint is
1 occurrence Alcahali brutal
2 emerge Alcahali Ansi
3 midway between the ankles Albroozin
4 in the center bone Stub

56_-ray center of the situation back to the front hip is
1 neck femur
2 femoral pulse
3 large circular femoral
4 small circular femoral

57_ the case of a lateral articular thigh a frog rotate the direction of lower limbs
1 30 degrees inside
2 30 out
3 60 degrees inside
604 degrees outside

58_-ray center of a front-rear of the basin is
1 bottom edge of the easement Ani
2 upper edge of the easement Ani
3 1 inch above the top edge of the easement-Ani
4 edge Aharagafip

59_ B_enema term means
1 files, contrast medium of the stomach
2 files, pharynx mediator variation
3 files, small intestine contrast medium of
4 files, large intestine mediator variation

60_ distance between the focus and film in Alroda profile of cervical paragraphs are
1 120 cm
2 100
3 180
4 150

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